Thursday, May 17, 2012


OO5 spending time in Morningside park with some childs' imprinted hands and feet. Children's markings on their hands and feet are permanent even as they grow, but OO5 was gone within the hour. Hanging out in the park with children is such an innocent thing to do, and yet glass is fragile and very dangerous. Wondering if this is indicative of parks and children and their need for supervision?  I've begun to run out of parks in the neighborhood anyway. Summer is coming and I've been thinking about somewhere safer and higher up, more clandestine and out of reach of the kids.  What about trees?  More dangerous for the glass and falling but maybe a better fit for the kids if the glass is secure.


  1. this is a cool idea...any responses yet?

  2. i found #5.

    weds. night, i hosted an alleycat (an underground bicycle race) that ended at morningside park. the next morning, i felt i should go back to make sure nothing had been left behind. as i rode through the park, i saw #5 gleaming in the distance, at the base of the sculpture. i held it to the sky and marvelled at the sunlight flowing through liquidlike folds...i decided to bring it home with me. it's quite beautiful. thanks.

  3. Jeffro thanks for taking 005 home and responding. This has been a challenging project, I plan to put 1 face a day out in the neighborhood until they are all gone. I love the idea of an underground bicycle race, perhaps I'll expand my radius by starting to ride my bike, but for right now I'm walking.
